Tuesday, November 19, 2019

How does the tube light works

   We use tube light in house hold application and offices. The tube shape fluorescent lamp is term as tube light. It works on the principle of low pressure mercury vapor discharge phenomenon and converts UV-rays into visible rays using phosphorous.

Normally we use 35 to 50 watts tube lights in our day to day life. We can categories choke in the tube light based on the mechanism
·         Classic Electromagnetic choke
·         Modern Electronic choke
Let we see how the tube light operates on Electromagnetic choke and what are the inner parts help to glow the tube light.


·         The glass discharge tube filled with noble gases (Argon & krypton), little drop mercury and it contains filament on either side. Both filaments have electrode (anode & cathode) shield.


      ·         At first mercury inside tube is vaporized by the filaments, and then the mercury vapor ionized the gases in the tube.
  • Electron flows into the ionization path between two electrodes, which produce UV-rays.·         
  • UV- rays converts into visible rays through phosphorous coating inside the tube(color of tube light depends upon the color of phosphorous coating).


        Tube light is connected with starter, choke and 230V AC is supplied. We will see the operation   of tube light circuit in step by step
  • Flow of electron through choke[Choke is a real inductor],filament F1 and goes to the Bimetallic strip inside the starter.
  • Bimetallic strip get heated, expanded and create closed path in the circuit.
  •  Filament vaporized the mercury and then ionizes the gas into the discharge tube.
  •  Initially inductor produces the voltage drop, so the bimetallic strip opened.
  •   Inductor produces the kick back voltage. But the voltage not enough to glow the light(Because the tube light initially required high voltage to glow)· 
  • Once again bimetallic strip closed with the help of capacitor and the inductor charged. Then starter inactive, inductor release the peak Kick back voltage. After that normal voltage is enough to glow the tube light continuously.

Working of electronic ballast

 Electronic ballast convert normal frequency to a very high frequency to initialize the gas ionization process in discharge tube by controlling voltage across the lamp and current through lamp.


  • Electronic ballest energizes at 50 to 60Hz. It first filter the electromagnetic interference in AC supply.After that AC voltage is convert into DC voltage using rectifier
  • Power facter is corrected as per required. Now the DC voltage is fed to the high frequency oscillation stage where oscillation is typically square wave and frequency range are from 20 kHz to 80 kHz
  • Hence output current is with very high frequency.Generally more than 400v is required to strike the gas discharge process in tube light.
  • When the switch is ON, the initial voltage across the becomes 1000V around due to high valued,hence gas discharge takes place inatantaneously.
  • Once the discharge process is started, voltage across the lamp is decreased below 230V up to 125V and then electronic ballast allows limited current to flow through this lamp.
  1. EMI filter : Filter the electromagnetic Interference
  2. PFC : Power factor correction of DC voltage
  3. Half-Bridge Resonant Output: Converts Dc to square waved voltage with high frequency 20 to 80 kHz .
  4. Control unit : Control the voltage and current through the lamp.

There are some advantages to use electronic ballast instead of electromagnetic ballast.
  1.   It operates in low supply voltage.It produces high frequency output voltage for gas discharge    process.
  2. It does not require any starter that is used in electromagnetic ballast.
  3.  it never creates flickering  and minimal weight.
  4. Increase the life span of lamp.
  5. It does not create any RF interference.   

I Hope this article is help you to understand about working of tube light .Is there any doubt . ur comments are welcomed     



Thursday, January 17, 2019

Trending technologies in electrical engineering

 welcome to Electri5 blog spot

Technology is playing an enormous role in shaping our future , considering how far we have come thanks to it . These technologies are offering us enormous power to do things we couldn’t in the past . With day to day passing by , the human race is more and more dependent upon technology , be it smartphones , artificial intelligence or anything the Internet serves . Machines and technology have evolved our lives and will continue to bring interesting improvement in the near future . 

Are you a tech geek ? A business owner ? Do you know how technology effects marketing ? Are you continuously searching for solutions to make your procedures simpler ? Well , then you need to be well versed with these new technology trends . As this is the space of digitization , we need to know about present and upcoming trends in technology . Businesses and individuals are already implementing these trends in lifestyle to stay ahead of the competition . 

Here are some of the most exciting current and upcoming future trending technology in electrical;


Smart grid allows two ways communication between the utility and customers.it consists of controls, computer, automation and new technologies will work the electrical grid to respond digitally to our quickly changing electric demand.


Now a day electricity distribution such as blackout can have domino effect a series of failure that can affect communication, traffic& security. Some of the operations of smart grid are.
·        Smart grid allow for automatic rerouting when equipment fails or outages occurs.
·        It provides a way to address an aging energy infrastructure that’s needs to be upgraded.
·        It allow you to see how much electricity use and cost it through smart meters.


Implementing organization
Bangalore, Electricity supply company Ltd(BESCOM) Bangalore, Karnataka
USD 100 Million Smart grid pilot project
North Delhi power limited(NDPL),New Delhi
Collaboration with GE for smart grid
IIT Kharagpur
Collaboration with IBM for smart grid research


QUANTUM DOTS: It is a tiny semi crystal of semi conducting material just a few tens of atom and typically made using some combination of zinc, cadmium, selenium and sulfur. When they excited by supply, the dots emits light of varying colors depending on the size of dots and material used.

LEC: Alternative to OLEDs an organic light Emitting electrochemical cell [LEC] compared to OLED the LEC is inexpensive to produce & transparent electrode is made of GRAPHENE can easily recycled and manufacture.


 Solid state devices that directly convert heat to electricity without moving parts, TEG are typically made of inorganic semiconductors. Yet polymers are attractive materials due to their flexibility and low conductivity. These qualities enable clever  design for high performance devices that can operate without cooling, Which would reduce the production costs and portable confined many application in low power consumer electronics like biomedical applications, watches etc.


Wireless power transfer using magnetic resonance coupling of air core transformer is the technology which could set human free from the annoying wires.
WPT technology is rapidly developing in recent years. At Kilowatts power level, the transfer distance increases from several millimeters to several hundred millimeters with a efficiency above 90%. This advantage makes WPT attractive to electrical vehicle charging in both stationary and dynamic charging scenarios


IOT is the network of devices such as vehicles, and home appliances contain electronics, software, and connectivity which allow these things to connect, interact over the internet and exchange data with the help of embedded technology. They can remotely monitor and controlled.



  • ·        Smart traffic control
  • ·        Unmanned autonomous navigation
  • ·        Automatic transmission for emergency rescue
  • ·        Electronic toll collection system
  • ·        Smart vehicle parking


It is the small scale power grid that can operates independently or collaboratively with other grids. It is also known as distributed, dispersed, decentralized energy production.
 The micro grid is powered by distributed generators, batteries and renewable resources like solar panels, wind turbine. When the system is disconnected from the electrical grid .It can take energy from solar panel or batteries. Depending on how it’s fueled & how its requirements are managed a micro grid run indefinitely


Now a day’s installation of solar panels doesn’t require valuable land space. Floating solar panel is any sort of solar array that floats on the top of a water bodies.

Floating solar panels more benefits over land based alternatives. A study has found that the nature water cooling effect makes solar cells 11% more efficient than solar panels placed on land.


Floating solar panels creates shadow effect and there by reduces heating and evaporation of water. The added shade also improves the water quality by reducing algae bloom in the vicinity. It can limit erosion of reservoir by reducing wave action.


Super capacitor is quick charge and discharge and have long cycling lives. But there’s one drawback is low energy density.

C.P Wong & professor Liu developing graphene based super capacitor that offer significantly increased energy density while maintaining high power & long operational life. This research funded by ARPA-E.


Power is much more serious consideration for tiny devices. So reduces power draw is welcome for next generation devices. Inter-scatter technique eliminates to produce wireless signals at all; the devices can essentially harvest & re-deploy signals it receives. The inter-scatter devices receives signal and allow it to bounce off its antenna.


Industrial automation is the use of various control devices like PLC/DCS used to have control on various operations of industry without intervention from humans.
Control strategies are used to get the desired performance or output making the automation system most essential for industries. Advanced Control strategies like cascade controls, modern control hardware devices like PLC’s, sensors and other instruments for sensing the control variables


  • ·        To reduce periodic manual checking
  • ·        To increase productivity
  • ·        To increase power quality
  • ·        To increase flexibility
  • ·        Operate friendly and improves safety

I hope you above the information are very useful for you.
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